My teaching philosophy

 Teaching should promote the thinking and understanding of students, so teachers have to use the dialectic method, it is important to help students to think before answering, and give them wait time to answer. In addition, teachers should encourage observation and performing experiments, making the students learn by doing, by using matters, so in this way, teachers scaffold students to reach the information by relating it to real-life situations, not just delivering the information by lecturing. The teacher must understand and know his students and their interests, so in every chapter, he should relate the topic and performs experiments as much as possible related to the interest of his students in order to make the topic more interesting, and amusing and to encourage the students to learn this topic. Of course, some topics can be explained just by lecturing, so it’s important to estimate which method is more convenient to deliver the information. Also, teachers should take into consideration, that students have different lifestyles, different understanding, and different abilities, so to make education more effective, teachers should use a variety of methods during their teaching career, should be up to date, do not stick to one method only. Furthermore, the most important method that the teacher must use is the integrative method, where the schools must give importance to all the subjects equally, and the teacher should care about the other subjects not only the subject that he teaches. Because all knowledge is really connected and related to each other, so we can’t separate between the subjects. We should teach our students the importance of every subject and how it affects their understanding of the other subjects, so, they should recognize that to succeed in one subject they will depend on and use other subjects.

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