Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Challenges you face when teaching online

 1. Internet problem:

the crisis in Lebanon has lead to connectivity problems, connection losses between teachers and students, these issues effect the learning process.

2.  Technology shortage:

Not every student or teacher has the necessary technology to learn and teach online. Some kids share computers, while others fall behind because they don't have access to them at all. Instructors struggle to maintain a consistent speed for all of their students as a result.

3. Work organization and time management:

Transitioning to e-learning immediately without training and resources is a really big problem, attend to students virtually, and plan their teaching method. It is daunting that most spend many  hours each day engaging in teaching activities that include rearranging messes, simplifying procedures, and influencing learning.  






1 comment:

  1. eventually you have all the rights about the idea where some students doesn't have computers, laptops i pad or even a phone, and at this stage the teacher did not know what is the suitable decision to take .so the idea of group work come from this situation that the student who have computers can work beside or with (in home) with those they did not have by the teacher knowledge so they can work and share information freely


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